jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2019


Resultado de imagen para masculinidad y roles de genero

Throughout history there has been a marked social construction with respect to gender, which has given the specific characteristics to each one, such as for example the male gender is seen (or) in a stronger or more rude way, without demonstration of emotions, different from the feminine one, which has (or had) delicacy, not endowed with strength and full of emotions.

They were also assigned social roles to men, the responsibility of supporting the family, working outside the house, being exempt from any household or child care tasks, unlike the woman who had the occupation of those who do home and parenting.

The new masculinity is free of all past construction and opens the way to a different one, without restriction of emotionality or doing things which were questioned by being particular of the other gender, being free of castles, this last trigger to a change in care of the children (obligation of the mother) that leads us to parental responsibility.

Thanks to feminism we can see this change in reality, gender equality allows us to take equal care of our son's care with security and freedom, and not maintain a specific position, allows us not to fit into certain characteristics or obligations for himself. made of belonging to one of the genres.

To achieve this change of roots, as Hooks (1989) says, it is necessary that the feminist movement is not exclusive of the masculine sex, because we all build society. This is said because women as much as men can reproduce patriarchal behaviors and teach that way of being to their children.


Throughout history there has been a marked social construction with respect to gender, which has given the specific characteristics to...